WoofConnect, Transforming Dog Boarding Venice, FL

WoofConnect dog boarding Venice FloridaThinking about your next holiday or work trip from Venice, FL, might be less joyful if you worry about your dog being left alone. Usual dog boarding facilities in Venice are expensivethey ask for $45 to $65 daily. This adds up quickly, reaching $315 to $455 for just one week, and it doesn’t even promise that your dog will get the special attention and love it deserves. Here’s where WoofConnect comes in with a fresh and better way to care for your dog in this lovely part of Florida.

Building a Circle of Dog Lovers in Venice

WoofConnect dog boarding aims to create a close community of serious dog lovers in Venice. Our idea is based on helping each other outlocal dog owners help by looking after each other’s dogs in their homes, without asking for any money. This way, everyone’s pet gets special treatment filled with love. Our model puts dogs first, making sure they’re surrounded by love and get to socialize just like they would with you around.

A Comforting Second Home for Your Dog

At WoofConnect dog boarding Venice, we understand that your dog should feel just as cherished and safe as they do in your house, even if you are far away. We pair up your furry friend with another dog owner who knows the importance of cozy and caring pet sitting. Your dog will get all the love and friendship they need, just like they’re used to at home.