Dog Boarding in Green Bay: A Home Away From Home for Your Furry Friend

dog boarding Green Bay

Planning a trip and wondering what to do with your dog? Traditional, expensive kennels in Green Bay might not be the best choice. You want a place where your dog feels loved and comfortable, just like at home. That’s where we come in, offering community-based dog boarding right here in Green Bay.

Connect with Dog Lovers in Green Bay

Think of someone who loves dogs as much as you do. Someone who understands your pet’s needs based on their breed, age, and energy. That’s who will care for your dog—with all the love and warmth you provide.

A Home Away from Home

Say goodbye to cold kennels and cages. With our dog boarding service, your furry friend will enjoy a warm, home-like environment where they are treated with kindness and affection.

Affordable Dog Boarding

In Green Bay, traditional kennels can cost $45 to $65 per day, which adds up quickly. An in-home dog sitter might be even more expensive. We offer a cozy, affordable, and loving boarding experience for your dog.

Finding the Perfect Playmate

Have you noticed how your dog clicks with certain dogs on walks? Dogs often get along with others of the same breed, age, and energy level. We use this natural connection to find the perfect playmate for your dog.