Cheaper Dog Boarding in Rhode Island – Swapping Costly Kennels for Free, Custom Boarding Options

Picture getting ready for a trip and worrying about where your pet will stay. In Rhode Island, putting your dog in a kennel can end up being expensive, often costing $45 to $75 per day. That means you could be spending from $315 to $525 in just one week! Plus, many times these places don’t give your dog the extra love and care they need. But now there’s WoofConnect, a new and better way to find dog boarding in Rhode Island!

Find a Comfortable Second Home in Rhode Island for Your Dog with WoofConnect

Think of WoofConnect as a fun hangout for dogs to play and meet. This service helps you to discover the ideal homelike setting for your furry friend while you’re away. Picture meeting another person walking a dog that looks and acts just like yours. It’s a bit like finding someone who gets what makes your pup special and cute.