Dog Boarding in Hillsboro – WoofConnect

dog boarding Hillsboro

Attention, Hillsboro dog lovers! Imagine this: you’re getting ready for a much-needed getaway, but leaving your furry friend behind in a pricey, unfamiliar kennel puts a damper on your plans. Traditional dog boarding in Hillsboro usually costs between $35 and $55 per day, which adds up to $245 to $385 for a week. But it’s not just about the cost. It’s the thought of your pet in a cold, impersonal kennel. Enter WoofConnect—a new way to board dogs in Hillsboro that prioritizes comfort and happiness.

Connecting Hillsboro’s Dog Lovers with WoofConnect

Think of WoofConnect as a lively social network for dogs and their owners in Hillsboro, OR. Our platform brings together local dog lovers, creating a space where you can find the perfect home-away-from-home for your dog while you’re away. WoofConnect helps you connect with other dog owners who have pets similar to yours in breed and age, making sure your dog has a perfect playmate who gets their unique personality and energy.

A Cozy Home for Your Dog

Say goodbye to cold, cramped kennels and hello to a warm, welcoming atmosphere with WoofConnect. Your dog will stay with a fellow dog-loving owner from Hillsboro who truly understands your pet’s breed, personality, and quirks. With WoofConnect, boarding your dog becomes a delightful experience that feels just like home.